If there is a problem every young couple must face, it's all the questions their parents, aunts, uncles will ask about their renovation. In our very Singaporean way "This cannot, that cannot.. This one how? That one lei?". Grrhh.. Work is already stressful enough.
I went to the work-site today to check on the progress of the renovation. We had cement screed the entire living/dining/balcony area and also finished all the wall tiles of the two toilets. (No photos till Saturday as I don't like to bring anything on me to work, hence the lack of a camera).
The plumbers had finished up the toilet piping the yesterday and all the pipes were looking neat and tidy, much to my liking. We found some flaws in the pipe bending in a particular area, but was reassured by our ID that it would not be a problem at all. IT'D BETTER NOT BE...
Id' also like to highlight a really UGLY drainage pipe I had tried not to face all these while. Anyway, this will be covered up by my tall unit, so its not too much of an problem apart from me having less storage space.
...this is fugly...nice neat pipes behind though...
The big activity was the electrical wiring and the electrician was there to start wiring up the entire place. The old wires, lights and fans were completely torn down this morning, much to my relief. The old lights were a real eyesore. The some of our initial wiring plans had to be altered due to physical constraints or other practical reasons we did not foresee, but changes were minimal and I was pretty satisfied with the work so far.
Then there were the air-conditioning guys that were there at the same time to lay the air-con piping. The trunking was huge (please note my current place has no air-con) and was a real eyesore. Our ID had proposed certain ways to conceal / camouflage the trunking, but due to cost reasons, we eventually kept it simple. (All my fingers are crossed that it will look okay.)
On hindsight, I realised I did not spend enough time on figuring out how to run the wires and air-con trunking, and would advise the folks out there to give it proper consideration. Our ID didn't really look to deep into this matter as well, so I'd say, "minus points". Anyway, what's done is done and no point crying over the split milk, or trunking for that matter.
The renovation is going on as planned, and I hope everything will turn out okay. Let's hope my work doesn't get to me before the renovation is completed. I've also started a
parallel thread on Reno-Talk, though that will be more of a sharing of experiences than a diary of my renovation. Le's hope I can manage my time between the two.
Its June, the halfway mark. Let's finish this.